Checking back in

190 words — 1 min read

Hello, World! It’s been a minute.

A lot of things have happened since my last blog post. I might start to unpack some of them in the future, but this is just a quick one to test the new home for my website.

The biggest reason for why I’m back is my friend, because they suggested that I should write on my blog. I’ve been planning to check back in plenty of times in the last year or two, but it never felt like an appropriate time for a variety of reasons—one of which is that I trust my gut feeling a lot and it felt weird, to say the least, whenever I tried to write a post similar to this one.

Safe to say, that feeling is no more. It does feel unusual to write publicly after such a long time. It’s nearing 2 years since the last post I’ve made, yet it feels like it’s been much, much longer than that. Alas, I’m looking forward to sharing my thoughts in the upcoming posts. Depending on where things go, I might do another major website revamp before that happens.